
Learn English: Discover New York City and the English-speaking world


Times Square, New York (Terrabass, CCA 3.0)

Let’s begin by taking some virtual tours of key English-speaking countries.


The English-speaking world (Wtmitchell, Wikimedia Commons)

Are you planning to visit New York City, affectionately known as the ‘Big Apple’?  Here, you will find the world within a city.

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Talking about yourself, family and friends

E1:  Introduction to the English language
(alphabet; parts of speech)

E2:  Meeting new people: greetings, introductions, farewells. Titles
(simple present tense of the irregular verb ‘to be’; subjects and verbs; word groups (phrases, clauses, sentences)

E3:  Talking about your family, relatives, friends and pets
(personal pronouns; simple present tense of the irregular verb ‘to have’)

E4:  Talking about countries, nationalities and languages
(simple present tense of regular verbs; prepositions ‘from’ and ‘in’; interrogative words)

E5:  Talking about the weather, seasons and climate change
(the definite articles; omission of definite articles; formation of nouns and adjectives)

E6:  Talking about clothing, accessories, fashion and appearances
(colors; qualifying adjectives; the possessive adjectives; the gender of nouns and adjectives)

E7:  Talking about your home. Rooms, furniture, appliances. Size, shapes, colors
(indefinite articles;  the active mood of the verb)

E8:  Stating your age, address and phone number. Telling time
(cardinal numbers; prepositions of direction; prepositions of location and direction; time prepositions; imperative; giving directions; syntax of simple sentences; time adverbs/ now, before, always)

E9:  Talking about the days of the week and the months of the year. Appointments
(ordinal numbers; time expressions; direct and indirect objects; transitive and intransitive verbs)

E10:  Talking about your leisure time and hobbies. Routines. Camping
(adverbs; frequency adverbs; reflexive verbs)

E11:  Talking about key life events. Births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, deaths. Feelings and emotions.
(the simple past tense)

Talking about your community

E12:  Talking about the education system.  Levels, schools, classrooms and subjects.
(imperfect tense; comparative and superlative adjectives)

E13:  Talking about work. Occupations. The office environment
(future plans; subject pronouns)

E14:  Talking about religion. Places of worship
(types of nouns; relative pronouns)

E15:  At the bank. Foreign exchange. Types of accounts. Credit and debit cards
(adverbial pronouns)

E16:  At the post office
(adverbial pronouns)

E17:  At the library. At the bookstore. Talking about literature
(I like)

E18:  At the restaurant. At the cafe. Different types of cuisine
(nouns of quantity; I wish; common expressions with the verb ‘have’)

E19:  At the supermarket. Farmers’ markets. Flea markets
(expressions with the verb ‘..’; nouns of numbers/a dozen of; fractions; multiple numbers/ twice a day, half a loaf)

E20:  At the doctor, dentist and pharmacy. Parts of the body. Talking about your health.
(irregular past participles; agreement of past participles of verbs conjugated with ‘to have’; negative forms; common expressions with the verb ‘…’)

Introduction to New York City

E21:  At the airport. Check-in and departures; on the plane; arrivals
(present continuous tense; common expressions with the verb ‘…’; past participles of verbs)

E22:  At the hotel
(polite requests with the conditional)

E23: Talking about types of tourism. Sight-seeing tours. River cruises. Heritage sites
( conjunctions; the partitive article)

E 24:   Coney Island. Amusement and theme parks. Aquariums
(progressive tense; Forms of the present gerund; use of the gerund )

E25:  Talking about the architecture of New York City. Buildings and bridges
(common expressions with the verb ‘…’)

E26:  Talking about art. Museums, monuments and statues in New York City
(capitalization and small letters; exclamations; demonstrative adjectives)

E27:  Attending a Broadway show. Going to the cinema/movies
(object pronouns)

E28:  Talking about emergencies in New York City. Police. fire, ambulance services
(types of emergencies/ fire, ambulances, natural disasters)

E29:  Talking about festivals and celebrations in New York City. Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving
(impersonal pronouns)

E30:  Talking about the geography, neighborhoods, beaches and favorite landscapes in New York and the United States

E31:  Talking about the government of New York City and the United States
(abbreviations and acronyms)

E32:  Talking about the history of New York City and the United States
(narration of events in the past)

E33:  Talking about the media in New York City

E 34:  Talking about music and the performing arts in New York City
(comparison of inequality and equality; absolute superlative; prepositional modifiers)

E35:  Talking about parks and gardens in New York City
(the passive mood of the verb)

E36:  Talking about the planetarium of New York City
(adjectives followed by prepositions; They are not used to walking)

E37:  Talking about shopping in New York City. Department and specialty stores. Local neighborhood shops and services
(construction of reflexive verbs in compound tenses)

E38:  Talking about sports in New York City
(compound nouns/ sky diving)

E39:  Talking about transportation in New York City
(subjunctive after impersonal expressions/ It’s necessary that you arrive early.)

E40:  At the zoos in Central Park and the Bronx
(syntax of complex sentences; coordinating conjunctions)