
Logos: Walking to Emmaus


Supper at Emmaus (Mattias Stom, 1600-1650, Wikimedia Commons)

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Scripture Reading

12 That same day, two of the disciples were going to the town called Emmaus. It was about two hours walk from Jerusalem.

13 They were talking together about all the things that had happened.

14 While they were talking and asking each other questions, Jesus himself came and walked with them.

15 But even though they saw him, they did not know who he was.

16 Jesus asked them, `What is this that you are talking about as you walk along looking so sad?’

17 One of them named Cleophas answered him. He said, `Are you a stranger in Jerusalem and do not know what has happened there these last days?’

18 Jesus said, `What things?” They said, `All that has happened to Jesus of Nazareth. He was a prophet of God. He had power to do big works and to teach the people. He was respected by God and all the people.

19 Our chief priests and rulers gave him over to be punished by death, and they nailed him to a cross.

20 But we were hoping that he was the one who would free the people of Israel. But that is not all. This is the third day since they did it.

21 Some of our women told us things that surprised us. Early this morning they were at the grave.

22 They did not find his body there. They came back and said that they saw angels. The angels told them that Jesus was living.

23 Some of us went to the grave. And they found everything just as the women said. But they did not see Jesus.’

24 Then he said to them, `You foolish men! Your hearts are slow to believe all that the prophets of God have said long ago.

25 Christ had to have this trouble and go to the place where he will be great, did he not?’

26 Then he told them the meaning of all that Moses and all the prophets of God long ago had written about him.

27 They came near the village to which they were going. It looked as if he was going on further.

28 But they begged him not to go further. They said, `Stay with us. It will soon be night. The day is almost finished.’ So he went in to stay with them.

29 He sat down at the table with them. Then he took the bread and thanked God for it. He broke it and gave it to them.

30 Then they saw who he was. They knew him. And then suddenly they could not see him any more.

31 They said to each other, `It was like a fire burning in our hearts when he talked to us on the road and told us the meaning of the holy writings!’

32 They got up right then and went back to Jerusalem. There they found the eleven disciples together. Some other people were with them.

33 These people said, `The Lord has really risen! He came to Simon!’

34 Then the men from Emmaus told them what had happened on the road. They told how they knew Jesus when he broke bread and gave it to them.

Luke 24: 12-34






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