
Italiano: gli aggettivi possessivi/ possessive adjectives





aggettivi possessivi
possessive adjective + singular noun                        possessive adjective + plural noun
masculine possessive
feminine possessive
 meaning masculine possessive
feminine possessive
il mio la mia my i miei le mie
il tuo la tua your (s) i tuoi le tue
il suo la sua his/ her i suoi le sue
il nostro la nostra our i nostri le nostre
il vostro la vostra your (p) i vostri le vostre
il loro la loro their i loro le loro


  • ‘loro’ is invariable
  • possessive adjectives require the definite article with names of relatives in the plural and for loro (their)
  • there is no difference in Italian between ‘his’ and ‘her’ because the gender of the possessive adjective agrees with the noun that follows (it does not agree with the gender of the ‘owner.’
  • some endings for the masculine possessive plural adjectives are quite irregular (i miei, i tuoi, i suoi).


aggettivi possessivi
Le sue amiche his/ her friends
I suoi genitori his/her parents
La sua macchina his/ her car
I loro libri their books


Possessive adjectives with names of relatives

possessive adjectives with names of relatives
mio padre my father
mia madre my mother
mia nipote
my niece/ granddaugher
tuo fratello your brother
suo nonno his/ her grandfather
sua nonna his/her grandmother
sua cognata his/ her sister-in-law
nostro cognato our brother-in-law
nostra sorella our sister
vostro nipote your (p) nephew/ grandson
vostro zio your (p) uncle
i miei genitori my parents
le nostre sorelle our sisters
i suoi nonni his/ her grandparents
i vostri zii your (p) uncles
le loro zie their aunts
le mie nipoti my nieces/ my granddaughters
i vostri nipoti your (p) nephews/ grandsons
le sue cognate his/ her sisters-in-law
i nostri cognati our brothers-in-law


The same word (‘nipote’) is used for grandson, granddaughter, niece and nephew.