The Tree of Jesse, Chartres Cathedral, FranceChrist telling the Good Samaritan parable to the Pharisees, Chartres Cathedral, FranceLife of Joseph, Chartres Cathedral, FranceMarriage at Cana, Chartres CathedralThe Passion of Christ, St Pierre Cathedral, Limours, FranceThe Crucifixion, Saint Urbain Basilica, Troyes, FranceMary Queen of Heaven (upper) St Anne (lower), Chartres Cathedral, FranceNotre Dame Cathedral, Chartres, FranceNotre Dame Cathedral, Paris  North Rose WindowNotre Dame Cathedral, Paris. North Rose windowNotre Dame Cathedral, ParisCharron et tonnelier, Chartres Cathedral, FranceChartres Cathedral, FranceChartres Cathedral, FranceChartres Cathedral, FranceChartres Cathedral, FranceShoemaker, Chartres Cathedral, FranceFlight into Egypt, Notre Dame Cathedral, ParisLIfe of Mary Madeleine, Chartres Cathedral, FranceMotteville, Seine-Mar égliseParable of Lazarus and the rich man, Bourges Cathedral, FranceSaint-Germain-l'Auxerrois, ParisSt John the Evangelist, Chartres Cathedral, FranceSt John the Evangelist, Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe Crucifixion, Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe Death of the Virgin, Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe Good Samaritan, Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe Judgement, Bourges Cathédral, FranceThe Prodigal Son, Bourges Cathedral M, FranceThe Return of Christ, Bourges Cathedral, FranceLife of St Appolinaire, Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe lives of Saints Jude and Simon, Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe life of Saint Eustache, Chartres Cathedral, FranceLife of St Joseph, Chartres Cathedral, FranceLife of St Lubin. Drawing wine from a barrel. Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe Parable of the Good Samaritan, Chartres Cathedral, FranceTwo winegrowers pruning vines, Chartres Cathedral, FranceLife of St Thomas, Chartres Cathedral, FranceThe Descent from the Cross, Chartres Cathedral, FranceSt Denis Basilica, ParisSainte Chapelle Basilica, ParisSt Thomas Becket, Canterbury Cathedral, EnglandSt Patrick's Cathedral, New York CityHoly Trinity Cathedral, AucklandChrist of the Eucharist, Buckfast Abbey, Devon, England