Zacharias writes down the name of his sonJoseph's dreamThe AnnunciationThe AnnunciationThe Visitation. Mary visits her cousin ElizabethThe Adoration of the ShepherdsThe Adoration of the SheperdsThe Journey of the MagiThe Flight into EgyptChrist in the House of His ParentsJesus among the doctors in the templeThe Baptism of ChristThe temptations of ChristJesus tempted in the wildernessThe Calling of the ApostlesThe Wedding at CanaJesus talking with Nicodemus at nightChrist and the Samaritan woman at the wellJesus teaches the people by the seaChrist Handing the Keys to St. PeterChrist in the Storm on the Sea of GalileeThe Resurrection of the daughter of JairusReturn of the Prodigal SonThe raising of LazarusThe Transfiguration of ChristThe Triumphal entry into JerusalemThe Last SupperThe Agony in the Garden of GethsemaneThe Denial of St. PeterChrist crowned with thornsEcce homo. Pontius Pilate presenting Jesus to the publicThe CrucifixionMosaic of the Entombment of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, JerusalemThe appearance of Jesus to Mary MagdaleneThe Miraculous Draught of FishesChrist in EmmausThe Supper at EmmausThe Increduiity of ThomasThe AscensionThe conversion of PaulThe conversion of Paul on the way to DamascusChrist's Charge to PeterThe ancestry of Jesus. Rose Window, St Denis Basilica, Paris