
E8: Stating your age, address and phone number. Telling time


It’s a quarter to six. It’s five forty-five.






Days, weeks, months, years.


  • age  (plural: ages) the length of time that a person or thing has existed.
  • birthday (plural: birthdays) an anniversary of the day of one’s birth.
  • birthday cake (plural: cakes) a decorated cake served at a birthday party.
  • candle (plural: candles)  a cylindrical piece of wax, tallow, or other fatty substance surrounding a wick, which is burned to produce light.
  • date (plural: dates)  the time stated in terms of the day, month, and year.
  • day (plural: days)  a 24-hour period into which a week is divided.
  • month (plural: months)  a unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon’s phases, or about 30 days or 4 weeks.
  • week (plural: weeks) a period of 7 days.
  • year (plural: years) a period of twelve months from any specified date.


  • old  relatively advanced in age.
  • young being in an early period of life.


Cardinal Numbers 1 – 10

  • one (1)
  • two (2)
  • three (3)
  • four (4)
  • five (5)
  • six (6)
  • seven (7)
  • eight (8)
  • nine (9)
  • ten (10)

Cardinal Numbers 11-20

  • eleven (11)
  • twelve (12)
  • thirteen (13)
  • fourteen (14)
  • fifteen (15)
  • sixteen (16)
  • seventeen (17)
  • eighteen (18)
  • nineteen (19)
  • twenty (20)

Cardinal Numbers 21-100

  • twenty-one (21)
  • twenty-two (22)
  • thirty-one (31)
  • forty (40)
  • forty-one (41)
  • fifty (50)
  • fifty-one (51)
  • sixty (60)
  • sixty-one (61)
  • seventy (71)
  • seventy-one (71)
  • eighty (80)
  • eighty-one (81)
  • ninety (90)
  • ninety-one (91)
  • one hundred (100)



  • address (plural: addresses) the location at which a particular organization or person may be found or reached.
  • avenue (plural: avenues) a wide street or thoroughfare.
  • block (plural: blocks) the distance along a street from where one road crosses it to the place where the next road crosses it.
  • corner (plural: corners) the place where two roads or streets join or intersect.
  • direction (plural: directions) the course along which a person or thing is moving or must move to reach a destination.
  • intersection (plural: intersections)  the place where two or more roads meet; a junction.
  • street (plural: streets)  a public thoroughfare in an urban context.

Compass directions (nouns and adjectives)

  • north one of the four cardinal points of the compass; directly opposite south.
  • south one of the four cardinal points of the compass; directly opposite north.
  • east one of the four cardinal points of the compass; the compass point directly opposite west. The general direction of sunrise.
  • west one of the four cardinal points of the compass; the compass point directly opposite east. The general direction of sunset.

Prepositions of location

  • above on top of or higher than.
  • adjacent next to or adjoining something else.
  • below under; in a lower place.
  • behind at or to the far side of (something), typically so as to be hidden by it.
  • beneath extending or directly underneath; at a lower level.
  • beside at the side of; next to.
  • inside within (e.g., within an hour).
  • near close to.
  • outside beyond the limits or scope of.


  • close near in space or time; in proximity.
  • distant far away or apart in space or time.
  • far being at considerable distance; remote.


  • in front of in a position just ahead or at the front part of someone or something else.
  • next to adjacent to.


  • See some famous time pieces
  • See some famous addresses





Cardinal numbers
Large cardinal numbers


  • Google maps