
E18: At the restaurant. At the cafe. Different types of cuisine


Restaurant Nuovo Antica, Roma (Wittenbergplatz 5, Pixabay)







  • appetizer (plural: appetizers) a food or drink served usually before a meal to stimulate the appetite.
  • beverage (plural: beverages) a drink, especially one other than water.
  • bill (plural: bills) an itemized list or statement of fees or charges.
  • brasserie (plural: brasseries) a restaurant serving alcoholic beverages, especially beer, as well as food.
  • breakfast (plural: breakfasts) the first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
  • brunch a meal typically eaten in the late morning or early afternoon as a combination of breakfast and lunch.
  • buffet a meal at which guests help themselves from a number of dishes and often eat standing up.
  • cafe (plural: cafes) a restaurant serving coffee and other beverages along with baked goods or light meals.
  • cafeteria (plural: cafeterias) a restaurant in which the customers are served at a counter and carry their meals on trays to tables.
  • check (plural: checks) a bill at a restaurant or bar.
  • coffee shop (plural: chops) a small restaurant in which coffee and light meals are served.
  • condiment (plural: condiments) a ubstance, such as a relish, vinegar, or spice, used to flavor or complement food.
  • course (plural: courses) a part of a meal served as a unit at one time.
  • cuisine (plural: cuisines) a style or manner of cooking.
  • cutlery utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons used as tableware.
  • dessert (plural: desserts) a usually sweet course or dish, as of fruit, ice cream, or pastry, served at the end of a meal.
  • dining room (plural: rooms) a room, as in a house or hotel, in which meals are eaten.
  • diner (plural: diners) a a person eating a meal, esp in a restaurant; a small, usually inexpensive restaurant with a long counter and booths, sometimes housed in a building designed to resemble a dining car.
  • dinner (plural: dinners) a meal taken in the evening.
  • fast food inexpensive food, such as hamburgers and fried chicken, prepared and served quickly.
  • food court an area, such as a section of a mall or of an airport, in which vendors sell food at stations about a common eating space.
  • fruit the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food.
  • hors d’oeuvre a small portion of food served as an appetizer before a meal or as a snack with cocktails.
  • host (plural: hosts) one who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity.
  • hostess (plural: hostesses) a woman who is employed to greet and assist patrons, as in a restaurant.
  • lunch (plural: lunches) a meal eaten at midday.
  • main course (plural: courses) the most substantial course of a meal.
  • maitre d’/ head waiter (plural: waiters) a dining-room attendant who is in charge of the waiters and the seating of customers.
  • meal (plural: meals) any of the regular occasions, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc, when food is served and eaten.
  • menu (plural: menus) a list of the dishes to be served or available for a meal.
  • napkin (plural: napkins) a usually square piece of cloth or paper used while eating to protect the clothes, wipe the mouth, etc; serviette.
  • pasta any of several variously shaped edible preparations made from a flour and water dough, such as spaghetti or ravioli.
  • pub (plural: pubs) a place of business serving beer or other alcoholic drinks and often basic meals.
  • reservation (plural: reservations) an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance, as in a hotel or restaurant or on an airplane.
  • restaurant (plural: restaurants) a business establishment where meals are served to the public.
  • salad (plural: salads) a dish of raw vegetables, such as lettuce, tomatoes, etc, served as a separate course.
  • seafood edible fish or shellfish from the sea.
  • server (plural: servers) one who serves food and drink.
  • set menu (plural: menus) a pre-determined selection of dishes offered by the restaurant for a fixed price.
  • side dish (plural: dishes) a dish served as an accompaniment to the main course.
  • silverware tableware,made of or plated with silver.
  • snack (plural: snacks) food eaten between meals.
  • sommelier (plural: sommeliers) a restaurant employee who orders and maintains the wines sold in the restaurant and usually has extensive knowledge about wine and food pairings.
  • tablecloth (plural: tablecloths) a cloth to cover a table, especially during a meal.
  • takeout prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises.
  • tearoom (plural: tearooms) a restaurant or shop serving tea and other refreshments. 
  • tip (plural: tips) a small sum of money given to someone for performing a service; a gratuity.
  • vegetable (plural: vegetables) plants having parts that are used as food, such as peas, beans, cabbage, potatoes, cauliflower, and onions. 
  • vegetarian meal (plural: meals) a meal rich in various plant-based foods and that normally omits meat, poultry and fish.
  • waiter (plural: waiters) a man who serves at a table, as in a restaurant.
  • waitress (plural: waitresses) a woman who serves at a table, as in a restaurant.
  • wine list (plural: lists) a menu of wine selections for purchase, typically in a restaurant setting.


  • baked bread and pastries cooked by dry heat as in an oven.
  • fresh recently made or produced; having just arrived.
  • fried cooked by frying in fat.
  • gluten-free a diet that eliminates such foods as wheat and rye and oats and beans and cabbage and turnips and cucumbers that are rich in gluten.
  • gourmet any food of high quality and/or rarity, crafted to deliver exquisite taste and presented in a pleasing fashion.
  • grilled food cooked by broiling.
  • marinated to tenderize and flavor food before cooking by soaking it in a seasoned liquid.
  • medium heated to around 350 degrees.
  • organic foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.
  • rare the lowest level of doneness when it comes to steaks and burgers.
  • roasted food cooked by dry heat in an oven.
  • sauteed fried quickly in a little fat.
  • savory food that is salty or spicy rather than sweet.
  • seasonal food the times of the year when the harvest or the flavour of a given type of food is at its peak.
  • simmered cooked gently at a temperature just below the boiling point.
  • sour having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids; sharp, tart, or tangy.
  • sweet having the taste of sugar.
  • well-done describing meat (typically beef) that has been cooked thoroughly.


  • à la carte having a separate price for each item on the menu.
  • BYOB – bring your own bottle
  • make a booking making an arrangement to have a hotel room, tickets, etc. at a particular time in the future.
  • to eat out to eat away from home, especially at a restaurant.


  • Enjoy different cuisines








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