
E15: At the bank. Foreign Exchange. Types of Accounts. Credit and debit cards


Citibank, Chinatown, New York City (Uris, BSDU)







  • ATM (automated teller machine) an unattended electronic machine in a public place, connected to a data system and related equipment and activated by a bank customer to obtain cash withdrawals and other banking services.
  • bank (plural: banks) a business establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loans, or exchanged.
  • bank account (plural: accounts) funds deposited in a bank that are credited to and subject to withdrawal by the depositor.
  • bank balance (plural: balances) the amount of money held in a bank account at a given moment.
  • bank charge (plural: charges) fees charged by a bank to its customers.
  • bank statement (plural: statements) an official summary of financial transactions occurring within a given period for each bank account held by a person or business with a financial institution.
  • bounced check (plural: checks) a check from which funds are not transferred because there are insufficient funds in the payer’s account.
  • branch (plural: branches) a physical location of a banking corporation.
  • check (plural: checks) a written form  ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another.
  • checkbook (plural: checkbooks) a book containing blank checks issued by a bank.
  • checking account (plural: accounts) a bank account in which checks may be written against amounts on deposit.
  • coin (plural: coins) a small piece of metal, usually flat and circular, authorized by a government for use as money.
  • collateral security pledged for the repayment of a loan.
  • credit card (plural: cards) a plastic card having a magnetic strip, issued by a bank or business authorizing the holder to buy goods or services on credit.
  • debit card (plural: cards) a bankcard used to make an electronic withdrawal from funds on deposit in a bank, as in purchasing goods or obtaining cash advances.
  • exchange rate (plural: rates) the rate at which the currency unit of one country may be exchanged for that of another.
  • foreign exchange the system by which one currency is exchanged for another; enables international transactions to take place.
  • insurance a practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium.
  • interest a charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned.
  • loan (plural: loans) a sum of money that is lent, usually with an interest fee.
  • NSF ( plural: not sufficient funds) A checking account is said to have ‘non-sufficient funds’ (NSF), or “insufficient funds” when it lacks the money needed to cover transactions.
  • online banking a method of banking in which transactions are conducted electronically via the internet.
  • overdraft (plural: overdrafts) a deficit n a bank account caused by drawing more money than the account holds.
  • payee  (plural: payees) one to whom money is paid.
  • safety deposit box (plural: boxes) a fireproof metal strongbox (usually in a bank) for storing valuables.
  • savings account (plural: accounts) an account that draws interest at a bank.
  • teller (plural: tellers) a person employed in a bank to receive or pay out money over the counter.
  • transaction (plural: transactions) the act of obtaining and paying for an item or service.
  • traveler’s check (plural: checks) a check issued in any of various denominations by a bank, travel agency, etc., that is signed by the purchaser upon purchase and again when being cashed or used.


  • to bounce slang for a check that cannot be processed because the account holder has non-sufficient funds (NSF) available for use. Banks return, or “bounce,” these checks.
  • to cash a check to exchange for or convert into ready money.
  • to default to fail to pay money when it is due.
  • to deposit to put (money or a cheque) in a bank or financial account.
  • to withdraw to remove money from an account.


  • Take a look at different currency notes in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand








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