
E13: Talking about work. Occupations. The office environment


Open office space, Westferry Circus, London (Mattbuck, Wikimedia CCA 2.0)








  • application (plural: applications) a formal request to an authority for something such as a job.
  • bonus (plural: bonuses) something given or paid in addition to what is usual or expected.
  • commuter (plural: commuters) one that travels regularly from one place to another, as from suburb to city and back.
  • employee (plural: employees) a person who works for another in return for financial or other compensation.
  • employer (plural: employers) a person or business that employs one or more people for wages or salary.
  • farmer (plural: farmers) a person who operates a farm or cultivates land.
  • flextime an arrangement by which employees may set their own work schedules, especially their starting and finishing hours.
  • fringe benefit (plural: benefits) a benefit, such as free life or health insurance or a pension, received by an employee in addition to regular pay.
  • full-time job (plural: jobs) employment in which workers work a minimum number of hours (e.g., 35) defined as such by their employer.
  • internship (plural: internships) a student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training.
  • janitor (plural: janitors) one who attends to the maintenance or cleaning of a building.
  • job (plural: jobs) a regular activity performed in exchange for payment, especially as one’s trade, occupation, or profession.
  • job application (plural: applications) a form employers use to collection information about you to see if you are a good fit for the position.
  • job interview (plural: interviews) an interview to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment.
  • maternity leave a period of paid absence from work to which a woman is legally entitled during the months immediately before and after childbirth.
  • occupation (plural: occupations) an activity that serves as one’s regular source of livelihood; a vocation.
  • overtime working hours in addition to those of a regular schedule.
  • paralegal (plural: paralegals) a person who assists a lawyer in the performance of various legal tasks and activities associated with the representation of clients.
  • part-time job (plural: jobs) a job with fewer hours per week (e.g., less than 35 hours)  than a full-time job.
  • payslip (plural: payslips) a a piece of paper received by an employee showing how much salary they have been paid.
  • personnel the people employed by or active in an organization, business, or service.
  • profession (plural: professions) an occupation or career.
  • salary (plural: salaries) fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular basis.
  • service sector (plural: sectors) that part of the economy concerned with the provision of a wide variety of personal and business services: hairdressing and tourism, transport and retailing, banking and insurance.
  • shift work a method of organizing work which enables production or services to be operated beyond normal working hours. Employees’working days are known as shifts and may be timed to commence at varying times of the day or night.
  • sick leave paid or unpaid absence from work allowed an employee because of sickness.
  • skeleton staff the minimum number of employees a business will need to keep running during slow periods, holidays, or times where staff availability is low.
  • skilled worker (plural: workers) workers who have special skills, training, knowledge which they can then apply to their work.
  • staff the personnel who carry out a specific enterprise.
  • stockbroker (plural: stockbrokers) one that acts as an agent in the buying and selling of stocks or other securities; a broker.
  • trade (plural: trades) an occupation, especially one requiring skilled labor.
  • trainee (plural: trainees) a person being trained, especially in a vocation.
  • unemployment a situation where a person actively searches for employment but is unable to find work.
  • worker (plural: workers) one who works at a particular occupation or activity.
  • workforce the people engaged in or available for work, either in a country or area or in a particular company or industry.
  • writer (plural: writers) a person who writes books, articles, etc, especially as an occupation
  • vacancy (plural: vacancies) the state of being unoccupied.


  • accountant (plural: accountants) one that keeps, audits, and inspects the financial records of individuals or business concerns and prepares financial and tax reports.
  • architect (plural: architects) one who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures.
  • actor (plural: actors) a person who behaves in the manner of a character, usually by reciting scripted dialogue, in order to entertain an audience, especially in a play, movie, or television show.
  • actress (plural: actresses) a woman who acts in a play, film, broadcast, etc.
  • artist (plural: artists) one, such as a painter, sculptor, or writer, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent or skill to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.
  • athlete (plural: athletes) one who participates in physical exercise or sports, especially in competitive events.
  • attorney (plural: attorneys) a person who is legally qualified and licensed to represent a person in a legal matter, such as a transaction or lawsuit.
  • baker (plural: bakers) one that bakes bread, cakes, or pastries, especially commercially.
  • banker (plural: bankers) a person who owns or is an executive in a bank.
  • barber (plural: barbers) one whose business is to cut hair, usually of men and boys, and shave or trim beards.
  • butcher (plural: butchers) one who sells meats.
  • carpenter (plural: carpenters) a skilled worker who makes, finishes, and repairs wooden objects and structures.
  • cashier (plural: cashiers) an employee who handles cash transactions with customers.
  • chef (plural: chefs) a cook, especially the chief cook of a large kitchen staff.
  • clergyman (plural: clergymen) a priest, minister, or religious leader, especially a Christian one.
  • dentist (plural: dentists) a specialist in the care of the teeth and gums, and the treatment of oral disease and decay.
  • doctor (plural: doctors) a person who is licensed to practice medicine.
  • engineer (plural: engineers) a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
  • entertainer (plural: entertainers) a person, such as a singer, dancer, or comedian whose job is to entertain  others.
  • firefighter (plural: firefighters) a person who fights fires, usually a public employee or trained volunteer.
  • grocer (plural: grocers) the owner or operator of a store that sells general food supplies and certain nonedible articles of household use.
  • hairdresser (plural: hairdressers) a person whose business is cutting, curling, coloring, and arranging hair, especially that of women.
  • handyman (plural: handymen) a man who does odd jobs or various small tasks.
  • inventor (plural: inventors) a person who invents, especially one who devises some new process, appliance, machine, or article.
  • janitor (plural: janitors) one who attends to the maintenance or cleaning of a building.
  • jeweler (plural: jewelers) one who designs and creates jewelry from precious metals and stones.
  • journalist (plural: journalists) a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast.
  • judge (plural: judges) a public official with authority to hear cases in a court of law and pronounce judgment upon them.
  • landlord (plural: landlords) one that owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.
  • lawyer (plural: lawyers) one whose profession is to give legal advice and assistance to clients and represent them in court or in other legal matters.
  • librarian (plural: librarians) someone who is in charge of a collection of a particular type of books or papers.
  • maid (plural: maids) a female domestic servant.
  • mechanic (plural: mechanics) a worker skilled in making, using, or repairing machines, vehicles, and tools.
  • musician (plural: musicians) one who composes, conducts, or performs music, especially instrumental music.
  • nurse (plural: nurses) a person trained to provide medical care for the sick or disabled, especially one who is licensed and works in a hospital or physician’s office.
  • pharmacist (plural: pharmacists) a person qualified to prepare and dispense drugs.
  • photographer (plural: photographers) someone who takes pictures, either as a profession or a hobby.
  • pilot (plural: pilots) ne who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.
  • police officer (plural: officers) a person whose job is to enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests.
  • politician (plural: politicians) a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.
  • receptionist (plural: receptionists) a person employed in an office, hotel  etc, to receive clients, guests, or patients, answer the telephone, arrange appointments.
  • reporter (plural: reporters) a writer, investigator, or presenter of news stories.
  • restaurateur (plural: restaurateurs) a person who owns or runs a restaurant.
  • retailer (plural: retailers) a retailer is a company that buys products from a manufacturer or wholesaler and sells them to end users or customers.
  • salesperson a person who is employed to sell products or services.
  • scientist (plural: scientists) a person who studies or practises any of the sciences or who uses scientific methods.
  • security guard (plural: guards) a person hired by a private organization to guard a physical plant and maintain order.
  • singer (plural: singers) a person who sings, especially one who earns a living by singing,
  • solder (plural: soldiers) oee who serves in an army.
  • surgeon (plural: surgeons) a doctor who specializes in evaluating and treating conditions that may require surgery.
  • tailor (plural: tailors) one that makes, repairs, and alters garments such as suits, coats, and dresses.
  • taxi driver (plural: drivers) a person who transports passengers in their vechcle from their location to their desired destination in exchange for money.
  • teacher (plural: teachers) a person whose occupation is teaching others, especially children.
  • technician (plural: technicians) a person employed to look after technical equipment or do practical work in a laboratory.
  • travel agent (plural: agents) a person engaged in selling and arranging transportation, accommodations, tours, or trips for travelers.
  • truck driver (plural: drivers) a person who drives a truck as a means of earning a living.
  • undertaker (plural: undertakers) a person whose profession is the preparation of the dead for burial or cremation and the management of funerals.
  • veterinarian (plural: veterinarians) a person qualified to treat diseased or injured animals.
  • waiter (plural: waiters) one who serves at a table, as in a restaurant.
  • waitress (plural: waitresses) a woman who serves at a table, as in a restaurant.
  • welder (plural: welders) a person who unites or fuses pieces of metal by hammering, compressing, usually after softening them by heat.


  • redundant exceeding what is necessary.


  • to hire to engage the services of (a person) for a fee; to employ.
  • to recruit to hire or enrol.
  • to resign to give up a position especially by formal notification.


  • period of notice a period of time between the receipt of the letter of dismissal and the end of the last working day.
  • to earn one’s living to earn enough money to buy the things you need.
  • to fire someone terminating an employee’s job for reasons such as poor work performance or unethical behavior
  • to get a raise to be given a pay rise, a salary increase.
  • to give notice to tell your employer or landlord that you will be leaving your job or your rented home, usually after a particular period of time.
  • to hand in one’s notice to tell your employer that you intend to leave your job after a particular period of time.
  • to work in shifts a scheduled period of time someone works at a job.
  • to work overtime any hours worked by an employee that exceed their normally scheduled working hours.


  • Learn more about different occupations








  • Offices providing assistance for your job search
  • Preparing your resumé
  • Preparing for a job interview