
E11: Talking about key life events. Births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, deaths. Feelings and emotions


A birthday cake for someone turning 25 years old (Victoria Yanchevskaya, Pixabay)







  • age (plural: ages) the length of time that a person or thing has existed.
  • balloon (plural: balloons)  a usually round or oblong inflatable rubber bag used as a toy or decoration.
  • birthday (plural: birthdays)  the day of one’s birth; The anniversary of one’s birth.
  • birthday cake (plural: cakes) a decorated cake served at a birthday party.
  • birthday card (plural: cards)  a card expressing a birthday greeting.
  • candle (plural: candles) a cylindrical piece of wax, tallow, or other fatty substance surrounding a wick, which is burned to produce light
  • emotion (plural: emotions) mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes. Emotions manifest either consciously or subconsciously.
  • feeling (plural: feelings) both emotional experiences and physical sensations — such as hunger or pain — bring about feelings. Feelings are experienced consciously. While emotions start as sensations in the body, feelings are generated from our thoughts about those emotions. 
  • happiness joy, contentment.
  • present/gift (plural: presents/gifts) a gift given to someone on their birthday.

Other key life events

  • birth (plural: births)  the start of life as a physically separate being.
  • anniversary (plural: anniversaries) the date on which an event took place.
  • death (plural: deaths) the permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism.
  • engagement (plural: engagements) the period of time between a marriage proposal and the marriage itself.
  • funeral (plural: funerals) a ceremony associated with a burial of a person.
  • graduation (plural: graduations) the receiving or conferring of an academic degree or diploma.
  • retirement (plural: retirements) the withdrawal from one’s position or occupation or from one’s active working life.
  • wedding (plural: weddings) a ceremony in which two people are united in marriage.


  • Happy Birthday an expression of good will offered on a person’s birthday.
  • to buy a house going through the process of acquiring by deed a property whether with cash or a mortgage.
  • to celebrate an anniversary a day when we remember or celebrate something important such as a wedding that happened on that day in a previous year.
  • to change jobs a change to a different type of job from the one you have been doing.
  • to get a divorce to legally dissolve one’s marriage with one’s spouse.
  • to fall in love to begin to feel romantic love for someone.
  • to get engaged to formally agree to marry.
  • to get a job to find employment.
  • to graduate to complete school, college, or university successfully.
  • to get married to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife.
  • to get promoted to raise someone to a higher or more important position or rank.
  • to have children to give birth to a baby.
  • to leave school to leave a specific establishment.
  • to move into a retirement home to move to a place where retired people can live and sometimes be taken care of.
  • to pass your exams to have received a passing grade on an examination or test or successfully completed a school course, year, or program of study.

How you feel


  • joy a feeling of happiness.
  • sadness feeling of being unhappy.


  • annoyed irritated or displeased.
  • anxious worried, troubled.
  • confused being unable to think with clarity .
  • cross angry.
  • curious inquisitive.
  • disappointed saddened by the failure of an expectation.
  • disgusted feeling or expressing revulsion or strong disapproval.
  • elated joyful, very happy.
  • envious wanting something that someone else has.
  • fine being in a state of satisfactory health; quite well.
  • furious full of or characterized by extreme anger.
  • happy cheerful, enjoying.
  • hopeful feeling optimism.
  • indignant angered at something unjust or wrong.
  • irate characterized by extreme anger; enraged.
  • jealous envious or resentful of the good fortune or achievements of another.
  • joyful glad, delighted, elated.
  • jubilant expressing joy.
  • lonely unhappy as a result of being without the companionship of others.
  • mad angry, resentful.
  • nervous easily agitated or distressed, jumpy.
  • nostalgic longing for familiar things or persons.
  • optimistic manifesting hope, expecting the best.
  • overwhelmed feeling overcome by something and not knowing how to deal with it.
  • sad feeling sorrow or unhappiness.
  • seething  in a state of extreme agitation, especially through anger.
  • shocked surprised and scandalized.
  • sorrowful sad, grieved.
  • stubborn refusing to agree, or give in; obstinate.
  • surprised takenunawares or suddenly and feeling astonishment.
  • tense under mental or emotional strain.
  • tired weary, fatigued.
  • upset in a state of emotional or mental distress; distraught.
  • worried to feel uneasy or concerned about something; be troubled.


  • Remembering key life events