
E1: Introduction to the English language


The English-speaking world (Wikimedia CCA 4.0)







  • adjective (plural: adjectives) a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying.
  • adverb (plural: adverbs) a class of words that function as modifiers of verbs or clauses.
  • clause (plural: clauses) a construction containing a subject and predicate and forming part of a sentence or constituting a whole simple sentence.
  • conjunction (plural: conjunctions) a class of words that function as connectors between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences, as and, because, but, however.
  • expression (plural: expressions) phrases or groups of words that communicate a specific meaning when employed in a specific way.
  • idiom (plural: idioms) an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements (for example, kick the bucket meaning to die)
  • interjection (plural: interjections) a word or phrase that is grammatically independent from the words around it and mainly expresses feelings (for example, Wow)
  • language (plural: languages) a system of human communication consisting of words used by the people of a particular country or region in a structured way.
  • letter (plural: letters) a symbol or character that is conventionally used in writing and printing to represent a speech sound and that is part of an alphabet.
  • noun (plural: nouns) a class of words referring to persons, places, things, states, or qualities.
  • phrase (plural: phrases) a group of words that works together in a sentence but does not contain a subject or verb.
  • predicate (plural: predicates) one of the two main parts of a sentence, containing the verb and any of its objects, modifiers, or other completions, and generally expressing an action, state, or condition.
  • preposition (plural: prepositions) a word used before a noun, pronoun or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location or to introduce an object.
  • pronoun (plural: pronouns) a class of words that are used as replacements or substitutes for nouns and noun phrases (for example, I, you, he, we, they)
  • question (plural: questions) a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.
  • sentence (plural: sentences) a grammatical unit of one or more words that expresses an independent statement, question, request, command, or exclamation and that typically has a subject as well as a predicate.
  • subject (plural: subjects) any noun, pronoun or noun phrase that does the action in the main sentence.
  • verb (plural: verbs) a class of words that indicate a physical action, a mental action or a state of being.
  • word (plural: words) a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.








The parts of speech in English