


The Kids’ Travel Guide to Brunei

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, Brunei (Sam Garza, Wikimedia CCA 2.0)


See the amazing beauty of the country and its people at our photo gallery for Brunei.

Top Attractions for Kids


Quirky Facts


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Take a virtual tour at: Brunei Tourism


Brunei (Justjameshere, Wikimedia CCA 3.0)


  • Population: 461,000
  • Nationality: Bruneian
  • Official Languages: Malay, English
  • Capital: Bandar Seri Bagawan
  • National Day: February 23
  • World Heritage Sites: See the best of these sites in

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Visit a museum and relive history

Royal Regalia Museum, Bandar Seri Begawan (Hajotthu, Wikimedia CCA 3.0)

Bandar Seri Begawan