
About/Contact Us


The founders at the Pyramids in Giza, Egypt

Language learning for travel, culture and tourism

Eloray is an innovative e-Learning initiative providing free online lessons based on a cultural-tourism approach for language learning.

The Founders

The founders of this unique online language institute are Élodie Margaux, Ray and Teddy.

They are assisted by Dr. Robin Ruggles, recently retired from the Canadian International Development Agency (now Global Affairs Canada) where he served as a senior education advisor. He had multiple postings in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America.

His Ph.D. in Educational Planning and Administration is from the University of Toronto. His Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language is from the University of Winnipeg.

He also has both a Certificate in Advanced Grammar for English Teachers and a Certificate in Teaching Occupation-specific English from the Mount Royal University in Calgary.

His Certificate in Planning e-Learning Programs is from the University of Toronto.


This site is inspired by our young people’s love for learning about new cultures and their curiosity to explore new worlds. A special note of thanks goes to Élodie Margaux, Raymond and Teddy and the students of our founding partner schools whose investigative skills contributed to the cultural content highlighted in the various lessons.

Contact Details

For more details on this initiative, please contact: eloraylanguages@gmail.com